We are situated on the corner of Kingston Road and Westbury Road in New Malden, Surrey, KT3 5BE
By Rail
Trains from London Waterloo stop at New Malden Station. NMBC is a 15 minute walk from the station, along New Malden High Street, then right along Kingston Road.
By Bus
Between Wimbledon and Kingston the 131 bus passes NMBC. The SL7 between Heathrow and Croydon will stop at The Fountain roundabout - we are then a 5 minute walk along the Kingston Road towards Kingston. Similarly the 213 bus between Sutton and Kingston will also drop you off at the New Malden Fountain roundabout.
By Car
At the A3 Malden Junction, turn off towards New Malden, then head left at the Fountain roundabout along Kingston Road (in the direction of Kingston). Car parking spaces are limited and we would ask that vehicles are parked with sensitivity to our local neighbourhood.