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Sun 25th Feb 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Acts 12:1-19 Partnering in God’s Mission Herod, Peter and the angel: an incredible escape? Helen Macallan
Sun 12th Nov 2023 10:30 Sunday Service Acts 4:1-31 Acts: Learning from the Early Church Church challenged: opposition, opportunity, anointing Helen Macallan
Sun 12th Mar 2023 10:30 Sunday Service Mark 1:35-37 Whom are we following? Jesus the… Pray-er Helen Macallan
Sun 20th Nov 2022 10:30 Sunday Service Joshua 24 Joshua Who are you going to serve? Helen Macallan
Sun 10th Jul 2022 10:30 Sunday Service 1 Tim 6:1-10 1 Timothy Work, wealth, contentmentP Helen Macallan
Sun 07th Nov 2021 10:30 Sunday Service Ephesians 5:17-18 Ephesians Power in Christ Helen Macallan
Sun 29th Nov 2020 10:30 Sunday Service Exodus 19 Moses and the people of God Meeting God on Mount Sinai Helen Macallan
Wed 21st Oct 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Remember the Sabbath day v8 Helen Macallan
Sun 16th Aug 2020 10:30 Sunday Service The One Anothers Encourage one another Helen Macallan
Wed 01st Jul 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Kingdom choices – Matthew 7:13-14 Helen Macallan
Wed 17th Jun 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Kingdom giving – Matthew 6:1-4 Helen Macallan
Wed 27th May 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Blessed are the peacemakers v9 Helen Macallan
Sun 10th Feb 2019 10:30 Sunday Service Genesis 32 & 33 Jacob Jacob wrestles with God Helen Macallan
Sun 18th Feb 2018 10:30 Sunday Service Jesus' last words Remain in Me Helen Macallan

HINT: Try searching for part of a speaker's name, bible reference or series title.
