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Sun 14th Jul 2024 10:30 Sunday Service Ephesians 6:10-20 The Spiritual Battle The Helmet of Salvation Colin Mumford
Sun 26th Nov 2023 10:30 Sunday Service Acts 4:32-37 Acts: Learning from the Early Church Church committed: ownership or stewardship? Colin Mumford
Sun 18th Jun 2023 10:30 Sunday Service Living well, for Him Give yourself to others: Servanthood Colin Mumford
Sun 05th Feb 2023 10:30 Sunday Service Mark 1:16-20 Whom are we following? Jesus the… Disciple-maker Colin Mumford
Sun 04th Dec 2022 10:30 Sunday Service Advent The Word became Flesh (TBC) Colin Mumford
Sun 03rd Jul 2022 10:30 Sunday Service 1 Tim 5:1-16 1 Timothy Relationships, relatives, widows Colin Mumford
Sun 20th Feb 2022 10:30 Sunday Service A Long Obedience in the Same Direction Patience Colin Mumford
Sun 14th Nov 2021 10:30 Sunday Service Ephesians 6:11 Ephesians Protection in Christ Colin Mumford
Sun 08th Aug 2021 10:30 Sunday Service Joint All Age Services Called to.... walk (St John's) Colin Mumford
Sun 23rd May 2021 10:30 Sunday Service Daniel 2:1-18 Singing in Babylon First Responders Colin Mumford
Fri 19th Jun 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Kingdom praying – Matthew 6:5-15 Colin Mumford
Fri 29th May 2020 12:30 Midweek Reflection Blessed are the persecuted v10 Colin Mumford

HINT: Try searching for part of a speaker's name, bible reference or series title.
